Roofing Contractors Since 2015.


Maintenance Contracts

Maintenance Contracts

Roof maintenance and inspection programs make good business sense for property owners and facility managers.

Far too often roofing systems are managed in a reactive manner, leaks and issues are only resolved after damage has occured to the underlayment and decking. To achieve roof longevity and reduce overall repair costs, a preventative maintenance contract is strongly recommended. A roofing system is a valuable asset and needs consistent attention to retain its value. A commercial roofing system contains three main components - the roof deck, rigid insulation, and the membrane. All of these component's life spans are increased exponentially the earlier a leak is detected and resolved. Data collected by Firestone Building Products over a 15 year period revealed that roof maintenance costs are $0.14 per square foot for buildings per square foot when a roof maintenance program is not in place.

The roofing Industry Alliance for Progress conducted a similar study in 2003. They determined that the average life cycle of a low sloped roofing system was 17 years. Furthermore, they found that building owners who protected their roofing assets with a maintenance contract were rewarded with an average roof life of 21 years. Conversely, the average lifespan was only 13 years for the building owners and facility managers who choose to maintain their roofs in a reactive manner, without a maintenance contract in place.

Most material manufacturers' warranties require the owner to periodically inspect and perform maintenance to their roofing system. Fairfield Roofing staff provides comprehensive routine roof inspections as part of our preventative maintenance contract.

  • Reasons You Should Consider a Roofing Maintenance Contract
    • Longevity: The lifespan of a roof is significantly influenced by how well it's looked after. With regular inspections and timely repairs, you can expect to get the maximum life out of your roofing material, whether it's asphalt shingles, metal, or tiles. Our professional team can identify potential problem areas long before they become critical issues, which helps in preserving the integrity of the roof. Considering that a full roof replacement can be a considerable financial burden, extending your roof's life through regular maintenance is a smart economic choice.

      Cost-Efficiency: It's a simple principle—small problems grow into big, expensive problems if left unattended. For instance, a minor leak can quickly escalate into significant water damage affecting the structure, insulation, and interior of your building. With a maintenance contract, we conduct regular inspections and minor repairs that can catch these issues before they spiral out of control. Think of it as paying a bit now to save a lot later. This proactive approach allows you to budget for your roof's upkeep in a predictable manner, rather than being hit with unexpected major repair or replacement costs.

      Safety: A damaged or poorly maintained roof poses a range of safety risks, from leaks that can make your building's structure unstable to the potential for roof collapse in severe cases. There's also the issue of mold and mildew, which can result from water intrusion and pose health risks for inhabitants. Our maintenance checks serve as a critical preventative measure, ensuring that your roof is not only structurally sound but also contributing to a safe living or working environment.

      Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained roof plays a crucial role in your building's overall energy efficiency. Damaged or worn-out roofing materials can lead to poor insulation, making your heating and cooling systems work overtime. This inefficiency can result in higher energy bills. With our regular maintenance services, we can spot insulation issues or areas where heat may be escaping, allowing for targeted repairs that improve your building's thermal performance. The outcome? Lower energy consumption and more money in your pocket.

      In summary, opting for a roofing maintenance contract offers tangible benefits that touch on the life of your roof, your pocket, the safety of your property, and your building's energy efficiency. It's an all-encompassing solution that allows you to tackle multiple facets of property management in a strategic way.

  • What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Roofing Contractor
    • Experience: The roofing industry is as complex as it is diverse, with different materials, techniques, and challenges that require specialized knowledge and years of hands-on experience. We recommend choosing a contractor that has been in the business for a significant period and has a varied portfolio of completed projects. Experience often equates to reliability in this line of work, and an experienced contractor is less likely to make rookie mistakes or underestimate costs and timelines.

      Reviews and Testimonials: In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to gauge the reputation of a business. Online reviews and testimonials offer valuable insights into customer satisfaction and the quality of workmanship you can expect. While a few negative reviews aren't necessarily a deal-breaker, a pattern of dissatisfied customers should raise a red flag. We also recommend going beyond online research by asking for references. A trustworthy contractor will have no issue providing you with contacts from previous clients who can vouch for their work quality and professionalism.

      Credentials: Certifications and licenses are more than just pieces of paper; they are indicators of a contractor's competence and commitment to industry standards. Ensure that the roofing company you choose is fully certified and insured. Certifications from reputable industry organizations or from specific material manufacturers can offer added assurance. Also, make sure that the contractor has all the necessary permits and insurance policies (including liability and workers' compensation) to protect you from any legal repercussions in case of accidents or property damage.

      Transparency and Communication: Good communication is crucial when working with any contractor. From the initial consultation to the final review, the contractor should be transparent about all aspects of the project, including the costs, timeline, and scope of work. A contractor that is elusive, difficult to get a hold of, or vague in their explanations may not be the right fit. We pride ourselves on our clear and timely communication, keeping you informed every step of the way.

      Warranty and Post-Service Support: A reputable roofing contractor will stand by their work, offering warranties that cover both materials and labor. The terms of these warranties can vary, so it's crucial to understand what is and isn't covered. Additionally, look for contractors who offer robust post-service support. Your relationship with the contractor shouldn't end once the project is completed; timely and effective post-service support ensures that any issues that may arise post-completion are addressed promptly.

      By taking the time to evaluate potential contractors based on these crucial factors, you can make a well-informed decision that pays off in the long-term health and quality of your roofing system.

  • Pro Tips for Maximizing Your Contract's Benefits
    • A roofing maintenance contract is more than just a piece of paper; it's a partnership aimed at keeping your roofing system in optimal condition. To ensure you get the most out of this relationship, here are some expert suggestions:

      Be Proactive: In the world of roofing, the early bird really does catch the worm. Proactive management of your roofing system can result in significant savings and peace of mind. Reach out to us before you notice glaring problems. Scheduled inspections as part of your maintenance contract are designed to catch issues early, but you can always inform us if you notice something amiss between visits. For example, after extreme weather conditions like storms or heavy snowfall, it’s a good idea to request an additional inspection. Being proactive not only helps in extending the life of your roof but also allows for budget-friendly, minor repairs before the need for more extensive work arises.

      Keep Communication Open: Two-way communication is essential for the effective implementation of any contract. If you have questions, concerns, or even changes in your own circumstances—like an expansion or modification to your building—let us know as soon as possible. Open communication allows us to adapt our services to meet your evolving needs. Moreover, we value your feedback. Whether it’s positive praise or constructive criticism, your input helps us fine-tune our services to provide you with better outcomes. A well-informed client coupled with responsive service leads to a mutually beneficial relationship.

      Document Everything: While we will maintain our own records of every service visit, inspection, and repair, it's beneficial for you to keep a parallel record. Documenting the maintenance work can be invaluable, especially when it comes to selling your property, making an insurance claim, or even for your own internal facility management. These records can provide a comprehensive history of the roof's condition, the work done, and the money spent over time, offering a clear picture of how well the roof has been managed. This could include photographs of work done, reports provided by us, invoices, and any correspondence related to your roof. Digital storage options make it easier than ever to keep these records safe and easily accessible.

      By adopting these practices, you can get the most out of your roofing maintenance contract, ensuring that it serves not just as a reactive solution for when problems arise, but as a proactive tool for ongoing property management. Remember, a maintenance contract is not just an expenditure; it’s an investment in the long-term performance and value of your building.

Maintenance Services

A well-executed roofing maintenance program is a multi-faceted approach designed to cover various aspects of roof upkeep. It aims to ensure the longevity and functionality of your roofing system. Here is a list of services that we provide as part of our maintenance contract:

  • Clean all Roof Drains, Scuppers, and Gutters
    • The first line of defense against water accumulation and potential water damage is a clean and functional drainage system. Over time, roof drains, scuppers, and gutters can get clogged with leaves, debris, and dirt, hindering proper drainage and potentially leading to water pooling or leaks. Regular cleaning ensures that water can freely move off the roof, reducing the risk of moisture-related damage. This simple yet crucial task prevents small issues from escalating into expensive repairs or replacements down the line.

  • Clean Roof Areas where Ponding Water Accumulates
    • Ponding water is a common issue on flat roofs but can occur on any roof type where drainage is inadequate. Not only does stagnant water add weight to the structure, but it also creates an environment conducive to mold, mildew, and algae growth, which can compromise the roofing material over time. Regular cleaning and removal of ponding water, along with an inspection to understand why the water is accumulating, can mitigate these risks.

  • Repair all Membrane Damage from Punctures
    • The membrane serves as a crucial protective layer for your roof, and even minor punctures can become significant problems if not addressed promptly. Punctures can happen due to various reasons, including foot traffic, falling objects, or harsh weather conditions. During maintenance visits, our team identifies and repairs these punctures, preventing the risk of leaks and structural damage.

  • Inspection of all Flashings at Penetrations and Curbs, including Walls, Pipes, and Skylights
    • Flashings act as seals at various points where the roofing material is penetrated, such as around walls, pipes, and skylights. These are common areas for leaks to develop, primarily due to the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes, which can lead to the flashing becoming unsealed. Regular inspection ensures that these crucial areas remain intact, and any damaged or worn flashings are promptly repaired or replaced.

  • Inspection of all Seams and Expansion Joints in the Field of the Roof
    • Seams and expansion joints are other vulnerable areas on a roof. These joints can separate due to thermal expansion, material wear, or poor initial installation. Inspecting these areas as part of a maintenance program ensures that they are in good condition. If any separations or weaknesses are found, immediate action is taken to repair or replace the faulty sections.

  • Re-secure any Loose Sheet Metal, Gutters, or Downspouts
    • Sheet metal, gutters, and downspouts are vital components that facilitate proper water drainage. Over time, these elements can loosen due to harsh weather conditions or natural wear and tear. A maintenance program includes re-securing these parts to ensure they perform optimally, safeguarding against the potential hazards of falling objects or inadequate drainage.

  • Apply Lap Sealant and/or Roof Cement to Roof Areas as Needed
    • The application of lap sealant and roof cement is often necessary for enhancing the waterproofing capabilities of the roof. These materials fill in small gaps, cracks, or seams that might have developed over time, serving as a preventative measure against potential leaks. Regular application as needed can extend the life of the roofing material and add an extra layer of protection against the elements.

  • Priority Service for Roof Emergencies
    • Even with the best maintenance program in place, emergencies can still happen. Whether it's a sudden leak during a storm or unexpected damage due to falling debris, having a maintenance contract often provides you with priority service for such emergencies. This ensures that urgent issues are addressed promptly, minimizing damage and associated costs.

By incorporating these diverse elements, a comprehensive roofing maintenance program provides robust protection for one of your property's most vital components. Each aspect is designed to address specific vulnerabilities, ensuring that your roof remains secure, functional, and long-lasting.